160614.GMAT 770 (M51, V44, IR8) (에듀켄카페 퍼옴) > 자유게시판

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160614.GMAT 770 (M51, V44, IR8) (에듀켄카페 퍼옴) > 자유게시판

160614.GMAT 770 (M51, V44, IR8) (에듀켄카페 퍼옴)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자
작성일 : 16-12-22 조회수 : 5,350


First of all, I would like to express sincere gratitude toward 국병철 선생님 and 이종훈 선생님- I would not have gotten score that far exceeded my original target had it not been for you. So thank you.


Per 이종훈 선생님’s request, and for those who find English more comfortable, I will write this posting in English. Please understand that my wordings may contain a number of grammatical errors and typos.. That said, please take this posting as a reference material ONLY, not as a SC practice material J


How I encountered Eduken:

When I first decided to study for GMAT in early March, I thought this journey would take one month without anyone’s help.. until I delved into SC section of the exam. As a person who had spent about 10 years in North America, I could not believe that I was getting more than half of the SC practice questions wrong on the first attempt. What is even worse, I had absolutely forgotten so many math concepts/formulas over the course of my 4-year Economics and Finance studies in my undergrad. Frustrated, I asked my buddies who had successfully completed their respective journeys. Many of them recommended Eduken.


First exam (5/3/2016: Cancelled):

As I was involved in a very intensive consulting project throughout March/April, offline lecture was not really a desirable option. Therefore, I opted for 국병철 선생님’s online verbal course. With respect to math, I took 이종훈 선생님’s offline weekend lectures because (1) as far as I am concerned, Eduken does not offer online math course, and (2) I was really desperate on math. I went through all OG practice problems + few CBT mock exams (Eduken) + math practice questions provided by the offline lecture, and tested the water via taking two full-set prep exams from MBA.com. On both prep exams, I received 750, and thought I was ready.


On the exam date, I was so terrified and petrified. I found the wide monitor and headset at the exam center rather uncomfortable, not to mention the scratch pad (really distracted my attention). I received an unexpectedly poor result. While disappointing, the first exam certainly had its value- I developed a sense of real exam, got used to the aforementioned items to some extent, and subsequently mitigated fear toward the next exam.


Second exam (5/28/2016: 720 - Q49 V39 IR6 AWA5):

Having realized that the real exam was more daunting in large part because of the distractions and fear, I decided to target higher score (to meet my original target of 740). This time around, I trained myself using 국병철 선생님’s SC최상위 140 lecture + 이종훈 선생님’s offline math lecture. Going through SC 최상위 140 lectures, I instantly felt that I should not have taken the first exam. Why? Because I was consistently getting 4~5 out of 10 wrong.. again. Nevertheless, having gone through the questions over and over again, I felt that I was becoming stronger and stronger.


On the exam date, I was less nervous than I had been on the first exam, and got 720. I had a mixed feeling because my original target was 740. I was so physically and mentally stretched that I almost decided to stop there. However, I learned after the second exam that GMAT is all about mental game- if you are mentally broken down during the exam either because you are nervous or because you are distracted by external factors, the chances are that you will receive a disappointing outcome. On the other hand, if you are confident, you will do well. The bottom line, of course, is that you are confident with all practice questions provided by Eduken.


Third exam (6/14/2016: 770 – Q51 V44 IR8 AWA?):

I was quite confident. All the lessons I got from 국병철 선생님 and 이종훈 선생님 were of great help, and I knew I had capability to perform well on the exam. It was all about being mentally sober and strong throughout the exam period, and fortunately, I got used to the wide monitor, headset, and scratch pad over the course of two previous exams. Thus, I assumed a risk and scheduled my third exam about 17 days from the second one. It worked out. I stayed quite confident on the exam, and eventually saw Total: 770 on the monitor, marking the end of journey.


My two cents’ worth:

As you can see from my example, the external factors, such as monitor and scratch pad, matter. They oftentimes matter more than you think they would. Therefore, go ahead, invest your first shot of the exam, and get used to it. Never be disappointed, and just carry on with whatever the source you have. Stay mentally strong, because you will eventually achieve your target.


Again, thank you so much, 국병철 선생님 and 이종훈 선생님. I hope to meet you sometime very soon and have a chat on my next journey.





문자드렸듯이 정말 정말 축하드립니다.


토욜 찐한 곰탕 한그릇 사드릴께요^^


그 때, 다음 step에 궁금하신 점 있으시면 말씀해주세요.


꼭 원하시는 mba진학하시도록 최선의 답변을 드리겠습니다.




다시 한번 진심으로 축하드려요^^ 

상호 : (주)에듀켄연구소, 주소 : 경기 고양시 일산서구 강성로 271, 205-18호., 대표이사 : 이상원, 사업자번호 : 215-87-02576
에듀켄스튜디오 현장강의 : 서울 서초구 남부순환로 356길 78(양재동 15-15), 건창빌딩 2층
통신판매업신고증 : 제2015-고양일산서-0742호, 개인정보관리책임자 : 이상원
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